Peer reviewed published work from this study will be posted here. In the meantime, here are some papers from our team related to pediatric SSD that you may enjoy.
Vos T, Park LR, Noxon A, Brown KD. 2022. Cochlear nerve deficiency in pediatric unilateral hearing loss and asymmetric hearing loss. Audiol Neurotol.
Park LR, Griffin AM, Sladen DP, Neumann S, Young NM. 2022. American Cochlear Implant Alliance task force guidelines for clinical assessment and management of cochlear implantation in children with single-sided deafness. Ear Hear. 43: 255-267.
Brown KD, Dillon MT, Park LR. 2022. Benefits of cochlear implantation in childhood unilateral hearing loss (CUHL Trial). Laryngoscope. 132(S6): S1-S18.
Thompson NJ, Brown KD, Dillon MT. 2022. Cochlear implantation for paediatric and adult cases of unilateral and asymmetric hearing loss. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 30(5):303-308.
Park LR, Gagnon EB, Brown KD. 2021. The limitations of FDA criteria: Inconsistencies with clinical practice, findings, and adult criteria as a barrier to pediatric implantation. Semin Hear. 42: 373-380.
Selleck AM, Brown KD, Park LR. 2021. Cochlear implantation for unilateral hearing loss. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 54(6): 1193-1203.
Lopez EM, Dillon MT, Park LR, Rooth MA, Richter ME, Thompson NJ, O’Connell BP, Pillsbury HCP, Brown KD. 2021. Influence of cochlear implant use on perceived listening effort in adult and pediatric cases of unilateral and asymmetric hearing loss. Otol Neurotol. 42(9) e1234-e1241.
Park LR, Dillon MT, Buss E, O’Connell B, Brown KD. 2021. Spatial release from masking in pediatric cochlear implant recipients with single-sided deafness. Am J Audiol. 30(2): 443-451.
Park LR, Preston E, Noxon SA, Dillon MT. 2021. Comparison of test methods to assess the implanted ear alone for pediatric cochlear implant recipients with single-sided deafness. Cochlear Implants Int. 22(5): 283-290.