We are looking for five-year old children with SSD who do not have a cochlear implant.
If your child qualifies, they will be asked to participate in a full day of testing that includes hearing, communication, behavior, learning, and sensory processing skills. You will receive a $200 gift card and a brief report summarizing the results.
The findings will be used to see if children with SSD differ from children with typical hearing and/or children with SSD who receive a CI.​To qualify, your child must:​
Be five-years old.
Have a severe-to-profound hearing loss in one ear and normal hearing in the other.
Have been born with SSD or acquired the hearing loss before turning two.
Not have a cochlear implant.
Be developing typically.
Use English at home.

Principal Investigators:
Lisa Park, AuD
Kevin Brown, MD, PhD
The Children's Cochlear Implant Center at UNC
5501 Fortunes Ridge Dr. Suite A
Durham, NC 27713
IRB# 22-0862